Hiring Remotely
140 companies answer 6 questions
In our Hiring Remotely section you'll learn how best in class remote companies use their remote status to recruit the top candidates in the world. Discover how you can increase your applicant pool and find and interview the best candidates remotely.
What traits do you look for in candidates for a remote job?
We look for individuals who have made a conscious decision to work remotely. These days with the rise of flexible working, many people apply for…
One of the biggest is a candidate has to have worked remotely before, preferably for at least 2 years. Bonus points for working previously for…
I’m struggling with this question because I’d like to say that people who have worked on their own before (freelance) are usually successful, although sometimes…
How do you conduct interviews for remote jobs?
We start with qualifying questions on our application process, which whittles down a significant number of applicants. From there, we conduct 15 minute Skype interviews…
Have we mentioned how much we love Skype? It really is a part of our daily operations. All of our pre-screening is conducted through Skype.…
All our interviews are on Zoom with video. From the first screening, through a project review, and to final interviews.
How do you convey your remote culture in the recruiting process?
We always aim at painting the picture as realistic as possible. Usually, every candidate has to speak to one remote working colleague during the process.
Mostly through videos, advertising, and documentation that shows that the teacher will be online, teaching from home.
We do what we can to be explicit in all our public job postings about which opportunities at GitHub are remote and which aren’t, but…
What is your hiring process for remote workers?
We try to hire the best person for the job, whether they are local or virtual. A good culture fit is much more important than…
The process is quite complicated because we believe the cost of hiring the wrong person is very high. We start with a survey with questions…
We only hire remote workers, so the process can be a little longer sometimes. We are OK with this as it means we ensure that…
Do you use third party testing or evaluation services when hiring remote workers?
Yes—we complete a skills assessment, identity verification, and a background check to ensure the person we’re contracting with is the same person completing all activities…
How do you conduct onboarding for remote workers?
Our app has an onboarding feature that creates a personalized onboarding process for each new hire. It’s important to do regular weekly and monthly check-ins…
We’ve gradually improved the way we onboard new employees–it used to be quite weak. We have a very thorough process documentation; an onboarding ‘track’ in…