Remote Worker Insights

140 companies answer 6 questions

Learn a bit more about some of the great people who answered the Q&As as they share some of their remote worker insights and anecdotes on work-life balance, remote work environments, and more.

What is your personal remote work environment?

Eyeo GmbH

Dedicated study under the roof (far from the family noise) with relevant books nearby, a decent monitor, keyboard, mouse and chair. Docking station for company…


I specifically bought a property with a giant room of windows overlooking nature that I love working from each day.


I used to work sitting down with a large monitor and my laptop connected together.  I’ve since started standing, working from my laptop in various…

See all 46 answers

What are the biggest benefits of being a remote worker?


The flexibility. I love being able to go to a café and work there for a few hours each day, then return home when I…


Never having to disconnect from family.  

Jungle Scout

The continued personal growth, alongside professional growth. You get to live an amazing life – whatever that means to you.

See all 31 answers

How do you personally manage work-life balance?

Codebusters, Inc.

I have a home routine with plants and animals, so I schedule in such a way that I can accommodate my need to stretch and…


I have a separate room to work in, where I have installed a lock. 🙂 My family (wife and 3 kids) are used to the…


I find that I need to set “hard stops” for myself at the end of the workday when working from home. At a certain time…

See all 103 answers

What tips do you have to disconnect when working remotely?


Once you’re done for the day, really try your best to be done for the day. It’s tempting to check in on your work email…

Time Doctor

Don’t work in your house all day long. Work in a coffee shop or in a co-working space if you can. If you can’t, then…


Just do it. Yes, it’s easier said than done, and I’ll admit I’m not perfect at this yet, but at the end of the day,…

See all 25 answers

What is your favorite business book?


“The Progress Principle” by Teresa Amabile and Steven Kramer is one of the most important books for our business. The two researchers — and investors…

Fire Engine RED

“Remote: Office Not Required” by Fried and Hansson


“From good to great” by Jim Collins

See all 46 answers

Do you have a favorite quote or bit of business wisdom?


“If somebody offers you an amazing opportunity but you are not sure you can do it, say yes—then learn how to do it later!” –…


The best boss I ever worked for told me, “She with a plan wins.” I reiterate this statement to the team quite often — it…

Universal Mind, Inc.

A phrase that comes up a lot at Universal Mind is “don’t take yourself too seriously.”

See all 59 answers

Where is the best or worst place you’ve worked remotely?

Hippo Education

Worst was a Lake House my family rented with a wifi router circa 1915. I had to work in the kitchen on top of the…

I have a quick story about what was for a day or two the temporary worst location I worked remotely.  Back in 2008, I lived…


Worst would be any coffee shop where the Internet goes out. I’ve had video calls stopped dead in their tracks due to this. Thank goodness…

See all 64 answers