Work Remotely
Do you work remotely? Working remotely comes with unique challenges. Be ready to address those challenges with insight from our talented authors. Whether you're trying to succeed in virtual meetings, or hoping to celebrate a holiday or a team achievement without meeting in person, learn how best to succeed as a remote worker in this section.
5 Tips to Make the Most of Your Remote Job Search
Finding a remote job differs from seeking out a traditional position. Use these tips during your remote job search to find the best remote job for you.
Bowing Out: How to Leave Your Remote Role Gracefully
You’ve decided that the time has come to say farewell and leave your remote role. Here's how to do it with grace.
5 Proven Services and Tools for a Remote Office
Based on the feedback we’ve received from successful remote companies, we’ve compiled a list of five useful services and tools for remote offices.
5 Cool Kickstarter Campaigns for Remote Workers
We scoured Kickstarter campaigns to find the top five ideas that, if funded, would be good for remote workers to add to their toolkit of gadgets.
Working Outdoors: What You Need to Make it a Success
When I first started to work remotely, I couldn’t wait to start working outdoors. After all, wasn’t that the point of telecommuting—being able to work anywhere at any time? So…
13 Great Yoga Poses for Remote Workers
Sitting for hours on end, as many at-home workers know, can be detrimental to your health. Counteract long stretches of sitting with these yoga poses.
What Your Remote Work Office Says About You
Most people have worked in a cubicle at some point in their career. You know, the blank, dreary, gray kind with overhead fluorescent lighting that does little, if anything, to…
Glossary of Terms Remote Workers Need to Know
The world of work is changing exponentially. It’s transforming at so rapid a pace that we can’t keep up with it. Some businesses have sprung into existence merely to survey…
How to Make Remote Work Work
Staying productive can be challenging in any environment, but working remotely poses some unique obstacles. Not only do you contend with common workplace focus-zappers such as email, factors like family…
When the Going to the Gym Gets Tough: 4 Unconventional Exercise Ideas
It’s probably no secret that most of us aren’t in top physical shape. In fact, according to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, a whopping 80 percent of Americans…
Multitasking Taken to Task: Maintaining Focus in a Tab-Filled World
How long until you stop reading this blog post? Are you maintaining focus? Hopefully not because you’re bored by it, of course—rather, because as a remote worker, you let yourself…
How I Spent a Week Remote Working and Surfing on a Budget
Sometimes to experience the full remote-work lifestyle you have to hang in there; other times you just have to hang 10. I recently had the chance to do the latter.…
Invisible Influence and the Remote Worker
Since his first book, Contagious: Why Things Catch On, became an international New York Times bestseller in 2013, Jonah Berger has been a busy guy. The Wharton marketing professor quickly became…
Staying Productive When No One's Around to Manage You
The telecommuting boom is in full effect, which means embracing the idea of how this method affects your life and work habits. Remote work lends itself to the idea of…
7 Tax Tips for Americans Working Remotely Abroad
The internet has revolutionized the way we live in numerous ways, providing us with a wealth of easily accessible information, the ability to shop and communicate globally without leaving our…
Working Overseas: How Expats Acclimate to Remote Work
Living and working overseas come with their own sets of challenges. Below we’ve got a few experts to help you navigate the international job market, particularly by acclimating to remote…
Design Your Own Remote Adventure
You’ve no doubt heard the term “digital nomad” before. If so, you’ve likely salivated over Instagram accounts and blog posts showing white sand beaches, skyscrapers in tech hubs, crowded local…
Quiz: What Type of Remote Worker Are You?
By the time we retire, most of us will have spent roughly 92,120 hours of our lives working. (This is assuming five weeks of vacation, so the majority of American workers…
7 Work-Life Balance Strategies from Remote Company Leaders
While having a remote company comes with an assortment of advantages, that’s not to say that it doesn’t have a steep learning curve, too. Some of today’s top remote companies…
Working on a Distributed Team: The Challenges and Benefits
This guest post was written for by cove. We partnered to bring you the TRaD* Works Forum (*telecommute, remote, and distributed teams) earlier in June. Learn more about TRaD Works…
Best and Worst Places to Work Remotely
The popular stereotype for remote work could look something like this: a sun-drenched beach, your laptop on your knees, the ocean lapping just beyond. Or, like this: a beautiful deck…
7 Ways Remote Workers Can Construct Their Days for Productivity
Inspired by the habits of some of the greatest intellectuals, scientists, writers, poets, painters, musicians, philosophers, and choreographers of our time, Mason Currey—a Brooklyn, New York-based author—composed a brilliant and…
5 Dumb Things Remote Workers Post on Social Media
Those who work at home sometimes face a bad rap from family and friends who are stuck in the industrial age mentality that only those in an office, at the…
How to Find Coworking Spaces That Won’t Disappoint
Coworking has become one of the most significant work trends of the past decade. Luckily, you have more options now than ever before to find the right coworking spaces. That…
21 Lessons from a Seasoned Digital Nomad
A “digital nomad” is an individual who uses telecommunications technologies to earn a living and generally conducts life in a nomadic manner. If you’re already familiar with this term, you’re…
How to Handle Summer Vacations as a Remote Worker
In an ideal world, you’d be able to clock out of work one day and go immediately into vacation mode. But many workers find themselves doing a little work even…
4 Productivity Lessons for Remote Workers
As a remote worker, there are some things you just know. You know that you shouldn’t really work from bed—unless you’re planning on taking a mid-morning nap. In theory, you…
Why Remote Workers Need to Narrate Work
When you work in an office, it’s (fairly) simple for a boss to see if you’re working or not. But when you work remotely, it’s not always as easy. While…
4 Collaboration Podcasts for Remote Workers
Tips and tricks for remote workers have finally made their way into the wonderful world of podcasts. In addition to learning about remote workers’ experience via the web, print, and…
The 4 Levels of Internet Outage Hell for Remote Workers
It’s the start of your workday in your home office. Coffee in hand, you sit down at your desk and start mentally running through your to do list as your…