Why Remote Workers Need to Narrate Work
When you work in an office, it’s (fairly) simple for a boss to see if you’re working or not. But when you work remotely, it’s not always as easy. While the quality and timeliness should be an indicator of whether you’re working—or not—sometimes you need to keep your boss abreast of what’s going on. Here’s why remote workers need to narrate their work—and what you should be reporting back to your boss.
3 Things You Should Communicate
Your Triumphs
It goes without saying that you should celebrate your successes with your boss, but some workers are reticent to do so. They might fear that it will look like bragging, or that by turning in an A+ report, their work will speak for itself. While that’s true, there’s nothing wrong with cluing in your boss when you’ve gotten a certain accolade or turned a corner on a pesky project. Your boss will be happy for some good news. That said, you should also discuss…
Your Setbacks
No one likes to hit their boss with bad news. And while remote workers should have very strong problem-solving skills, there will come a time when you can’t sort something out and need to bring in your boss. From a persistent problem with another virtual colleague, to hitting a roadblock on an assignment (or worse, forgetting about the assignment altogether), you should let your boss know what’s going on. While it might look like weakness, letting your boss know that you’ve made a mistake shows ownership and responsibility. Just make sure to offer solutions to the problem you’re presenting, too!
Your Ideas
You’ve been working at your company for quite some time, long enough to see that while some practices work, others, well, don’t. Your boss will probably love you if you come to her with some new ideas for creating an easier workflow, or a way in which to attract new clients. Never assume that your boss is too busy to listen to your ideas; you never know which one will be utilized and save the company in time and money. Not sure how to communicate your ideas? There are many communication tools for telecommuters; try out various ones to see which fits your personal style the best.
3 Reasons You Should Communicate
Your boss is busy.
Although you’re fairly certain that your boss has seen how hard you’re working by the flurry of emails and IMs that you send him and the other staffers on a weekly basis, he still might not know. So it’s good to send an email every once in awhile that narrates your work and progress. Seeing it all in one email in black and white can serve as a great (and friendly!) reminder of all that you’re doing as a remote worker for the company.
It helps build trust.
Let’s face it: even the most pro-remote-work-environment boss might occasionally wonder what his telecommuting staff is doing during their workday. So every so often, send your boss a reminder of what projects you’re working on. Not that your boss doesn’t believe that you’re working, but having some kind of communication that offers him status updates and plans for the future will give him reassurance that you’re working hard, even with your flexible schedule.
You’re still at work.
Sure, having a remote job means that on your breaks, you might be basking in some serious spring sunshine from your porch, enjoying a yummy latte, or walking your dog around the neighborhood. But the thing is this—you’re still at work. By taking the time to communicate with your boss, you are showing him that you’re not clocked out for the entire day. And even though you might be applauding your child at her ballet recital, you’re still planning to finish that report—and hand it in on time—as soon as you get home.
It’s very important to always narrate your work and learn how to communicate better when you work at home. Without an office, having strong communication skills to let your boss know (almost) everything that is going on in your workday will only serve to strengthen your bond and make for a better (remote) working environment overall.
By Jennifer Parris | Categories: Work Remotely