The Benefits of Remote Teams
For companies that have never employed a flexible work program, the thought of having remote teams may very well be one of the scariest moves to make. But, reality speaks volumes, and the benefits of remote teams far outweigh the fears that many employers hold onto.
With more companies implementing remote working arrangements and having positive results, it’s time the truth about remote work is revealed to the masses. To give you a consolidated look at the benefits of remote teams, check out the below list.
The many benefits of remote teams that non-flexible employers are missing out on.
- Flexible work increases job satisfaction with 46 percent of employees saying work-life balance is important to remain happy.
- Generation Y desires more work flexibility over a high salary with many in this generation willing to stay with a flexible employer even if a higher paying job is offered.
- 87 percent of HR professionals and leaders say that employee satisfaction increased due to flexible work programs.
- 7 out of ten of HR leaders credit flexible work as a recruiting and retention tool.
- Flexible work improves employee satisfaction, increases productivity, and positively impacts recruiting operations.
- 51 percent of HR professionals credit flexible work with greater creativity.
- 45 percent of HR professionals say that flexible work makes employees easier to manage.
- 85 percent of employees believe loyalty, health, and performance suffer without work flexibility.
- Work flexibility supports performance with a typical 13 percent performance increase.
- Employing telecommuting professionals cost $1,900 less in equipment and office space in nine months.
- Flexibility reduces turnover by 33 percent.
- Telecommuting employees report more open and honest communications than in office employees: 54 percent compared to 44 percent.
- 73 percent of telecommuters are happier with their job compared to 64 percent of in-office employees.
- Remote workers, 56 percent, feel that managers show more concern with their well-being over in office workers, 49 percent.
- Employees given freedom and autonomy in turn see increases in performance, relationships, and motivation.
- 53 percent of telecommuters compared to only 28 percent of non-telecommuters work more than 40 hours in a week.
- Telecommuters work harder to create a positive, friendly, and cooperative work environment.
- Flexible work helps companies to increase revenue by 10 percent.
- Nearly three hours of work is lost per day per employee due to in-office distractions and interruptions.
- 82 percent of employees would be more loyal if given flexible work options.
- 39 percent of professionals have turned down a promotion or a job as well as quit a job because of a lack of flexible work.
The benefits of remote teams are numerous for employers. From costs savings due to less equipment and real estate to increased productivity and less turnover, the true benefits of remote teams can save companies thousands each year. Additionally, flexible work programs will help to attract more talent, providing greater opportunities for growth.
By Jessica Howington | Categories: Why Go Remote