10 Remote Work Stats

10 Remote Work Stats

As remote work continues to grow from a nice-to-have perk to an expectation of employees and job seekers alike, the numbers indicate that there are many benefits to all parties involved, including companies.

Here are 9 remote work stats that quantify its positive impact.

Remote Work Stats

1. Increases Productivity

A two-year study by Stanford University found an impressive increase in work productivity among people who worked from home. Comparing the in-office employees to the remote employees of a Chinese travel company, researchers found that over a nine month period, the remote employees were 13% more productive—nearly an extra day of output per week.

More recently, a survey by Boston Consulting Group found that despite the challenges of the pandemic, 75% of employees feel that they have maintained or improved their productivity.

2. Improves Loyalty

The same Stanford University research concluded that people who worked remotely were less likely to leave the company for other employment. The study found an overall 50% decrease in attrition among home-based workers. 

Furthermore, 81% of workers would be more loyal to their employers if they had flexible work options, including remote work.

3. Decreases Missed Days

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommends staying home if you’re sick, so remote workers are already ahead of the game.

As a bonus, when remote workers are feeling a little under the weather but can still work (and want to), they can work from home without using up a sick day. And employers don’t lose a day of productivity due to the sniffles.

4. Increases Workforce Diversity

Building a strong remote team can help companies meet workforce diversity goals. Because the talent pool for remote workers is truly global, the opportunities are exponentially greater to find talented workers who vary in gender and gender identity, race, ethnicity, abilities, and geographic location.

5. Reduces Costs for Employers

Even in “normal” years, the fact is that working remotely saves companies money. By some estimates, allowing employees to work from home just half of the time can save employers approximately $11,000 per employee.

6. Saves Workers Money

Remote workers can save about $7,000 a year on average, according to remote worker stats and figures from TECLA, a global IT recruiting company. The bulk of those savings comes from reducing or eliminating the cost of commuting, food, clothing, and child care. 

7. Reduces Stress

A survey conducted by FlexJobs asked 3,900 people about how work impacts their mental health. Of the 2,100 people who reported they had a mental illness, such as anxiety or depression, 80% said that having a flexible job would help them manage their mental health.

8. Benefits the Environment

Remote work has numerous benefits for the environment. For example, if 3.9 million people worked from home just half the time, it would reduce the amount of greenhouse gases released into the atmosphere in the equivalent amount of removing 600,000 cars from the road for an entire year!

9. It’s Here to Stay

The pandemic drastically sped up the adoption of remote work. Companies like Coinbase, Dropbox, and Shopify, to name a few, have decided that remote work works and are letting their employees permanently work remotely.

The fastest growing career fields include:

Get more remote work statistics from our sister site, FlexJobs.

Want to Learn More About Remote Work?

Over the years, Remote.co has cultivated a community of employers and employees to facilitate idea sharing and tips, along with fully remote job postings. If you want to learn all about working remotely or implementing long-term remote work for your business, visit our Q&A with some of the top remote companies.

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By Adrianne Bibby | Categories: Why Go Remote

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Sylvia Willemburg on January 13, 2019 at 11:29 am

I am 63 and currently working as a remote Virtual Assistant. It requires self discipline, integrity and accountability. If you have these qualities, the benefits are awesome – I have never been happier! Better work-life balance, increased productivity, less stress and no commuting. Technology is not only for the millenials, but for silver surfers too.


    Deb on January 16, 2019 at 1:35 pm

    Great read! I, too, have just started working remotely as a virtual assistant. Best decision I ever made!

Kwami Njoko on October 14, 2018 at 10:57 am

Naturally there is a capacity marker to remote working since not every job can be carried out remotely. Cleaning, road re-surfacing, house building to name just a few.

However it would certainly make a huge impact in the way that our society is structured. More land for building homes rather than office developments.

Imagine that as a cultural shift.


Dustin on May 29, 2018 at 11:29 am

Right on! The workforce has been changed by technology. Many workers can do their full job anywhere in the world now. It isn’t about where you are physically, but if you are working effectively.


Cindy on July 20, 2017 at 9:00 am

This really opens my eyes to the potential for us over 50 workers


Andre Pilon on May 07, 2017 at 12:59 pm

Agreeing all this; great read. But I didn’t notice anything about preparing employees to this approach; or anything as a form of support/ coaching, if need be.
The new future now (since 1990+).


Mark Rich on July 26, 2016 at 2:39 pm

Having worked remotely for my whole career (25 years) I found this to be a great read. I certainly agree with the elements as provided. It does take a certain personality to be able to stay focused and committed without the boss watching. wink wink. The biggest challenge I find is actually separating from work. With the advent of PDA this is really the norm rather then the exception.

However I am proud to say I have attended every event for my children ages 23 and 12 no matter how big or small.