Why Remote Work Can Be Especially Important in the Colder Months

Why Remote Work Can Be Especially Important in the Colder Months

It’s no surprise that we often sing the praises of remote work all throughout the year. But what about when those snowy, icy, and cootie-ridden colder months roll around? Well, we’re even bigger believers that remote work is something that serves as a huge benefit to employees (and employers!) during the winter.

Here are five reasons why remote work can be especially important in the colder months:

1. You can skip the commute.

No matter the weather, commuting is always a hassle. But when you’re dealing with treacherous road conditions or public transportation that has spontaneously shut down? Making the journey into the office becomes an even bigger headache.

This is one of the biggest benefits of remote work—you only need to commute the few steps to your home office or your kitchen table.

You’ll steer clear of any potentially hazardous roadways and get your work done from the comfort of your own home.

2. You can conquer cold and flu season.

Office environments have a way of turning into petri dishes of sorts. There isn’t enough hand sanitizer in the world to help you combat the germs of your sniffly co-workers that are circulating in that dry office air.

Another perk of working remotely? You’ll increase your chances of staying healthy through the brutal cold and flu season, since you won’t need to subject yourself to those colleagues who apparently obtained their medical degrees overnight and insist they aren’t contagious.

Sometimes avoidance of those ever-present germs really is the best way to keep yourself in tip-top shape—and there’s no better way to do that than by working from home.

3. You can enjoy extra flexibility during a stressful time.

Let’s face it—the winter months can be stressful. You go straight from the hustle and bustle of the holidays into those seemingly never-ending weeks that are gray and dreary. That long stretch of days can even inspire depression (in the form of Seasonal Affective Disorder) in many people.

While increased flexibility certainly isn’t a cure-all, it can definitely help you address those low or moody feelings that so many of us experience during the winter months.

When you work remotely, you have more control over your own schedule (plus you save yourself some time by skipping the pesky commute!)—meaning you’ll have a little more time to dedicate to the activities that can raise your spirits back up again.

4. You can skip the office thermostat wars.

Josh in accounting insists he’s sweating, so he cranks the thermostat way down. But Julie in marketing? She’s convinced that she’s getting frostbite, so she sneakily adjusts the thermostat so that the office is a balmy 80 degrees.

Sound familiar? Those office thermostat battles are oh-so-common—but they’re also oh-so-annoying. The frequent spikes and dips in temperature are not only messing with your mind, but also with your body.

That’s the beauty of remote work—you have full control over the thermostat, without needing to listen to Josh and Julie’s incessant bickering.

5. You can meet the needs of your family.

If you have children, you already know that the winter can place some added demands on your time and schedule—especially in the form of snow days and sick days.

Nobody enjoys that last-minute time crunch to find accommodations for their kids, and this is yet another reason that having the option to work remotely is so helpful for both you and your entire family.

You can still get your work done while being there for your children who had some last-minute plan changes. It’s yet another way that flexibility isn’t just preferable, but practical.

We think there are plenty of benefits of remote work that deserve to be touted all year long. But, as the above five reasons prove, those perks become even more apparent during the long and cold winter months.

Looking for remote work? Check out these remote jobs hiring now!  

Photo Credit: bigstockphoto.com


By Kat Boogaard | Categories: Work Remotely

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