13 Fully Remote Part-Time Jobs for Busy Moms
When asked about their ideal work schedule, guess what moms most often say? Part-time! Pew Research found that 47 percent of mothers say they’d prefer to work part-time, compared to 32 percent who say they’d like to work full-time, and 20 percent who said they’d ideally like to not work out of the house at all. And if those ideal part-time jobs can be done from home? Even better. For all the busy moms out there, we’re taking a look at 13 fully remote part-time jobs, hiring now!
It’s no secret that moms face some push and pull between their careers and their personal lives when they start to have children. 43 percent of working women quit their jobs when they have children.
And if you’re a mom who feels like there are never enough hours in the day, you are very much not alone. 86 percent of all moms (both those who work and those who stay home) say they feel rushed at least some of the time, and 40 percent of full-time working moms, in particular, say they always feel rushed.
If you’re a busy mom who wants or needs to work, a part-time remote job may be the ideal arrangement for you. In these types of roles, moms are able to advance their careers, change into new types of work, maintain or grow their professional networks, and pursue their work-related passions.
Whatever your reasons for seeking part-time remote work, this list should give you some insight into the possibilities!
About the Jobs on This List
All of these jobs were still accepting applicants as of June 8, 2017, all are completely remote positions, and all offer part-time schedules. They range in experience from entry-level through senior-level management and have varied educational requirements.
How many hours will you work in a part-time remote job? That varies widely depending on the position. Some of these roles seek people to work for less than 10 hours each week, and others require upwards of 30-35 hours. Read each job description carefully to fully understand the requirements of each position, including each employer’s expectations for “part-time” work.
Whether you’re looking to put your master’s degree to use, or you want to pick up some general work, there are part-time remote job options out there for you! Career fields like education, writing, and management are common in this list of remote jobs, but other fields like statistics, software, psychology, and accounting are also included.
If you don’t see what you’re looking for here, search more remote job listings on Remote.co!
13 Fully Remote Part-Time Jobs for Busy Moms
- Digital Editor
- Executive Assistant
- Online Tutor
- Content Writer
- Community Liaison
- Language Instructor – English
- Political Reporter
- PT Faculty, Online Certificate
- ESL Content Editor
- Account Manager
- Sourcer
- Statistician
- Medical Billing and Coding Faculty
By Brie Reynolds | Categories: Work Remotely