Conni Biesalski Works Remotely

Conni Biesalski Team Photo


Years Remote

Coworking Spaces

Preferred Workspace


Home Base

Planet Backpack

FounderDigital Nomad Self-Employed

Digital Nomad Life


% Time Traveling

Past Year:20 Cities8
Career:100 Cities40 Countries

* All figures approximate as of October 2016

Conni Biesalski
Interview with

How and why did you start working remotely?

I have lived a pretty nomadic life since I was a teenager. I tried the 9-5 for eight months, but realized very quickly that I need a lot of freedom and that I want to work on my own dream rather than one for someone else. I just couldn’t imagine myself living a static life in one place, going to the same office every day—it literally felt like a man-made prison.

What are the biggest benefits to working remotely?

The unbelievable freedom that comes with it. Being able to make income from anywhere in the world is probably the most amazing feeling I ever welcomed into my life. You get to have special experiences in all these different places, meet an infinite amount of interesting people, and just really take advantage of this one life we have been given.

Do you keep a regular remote work schedule? What is it?

Hardly. My daily working routine changes very frequently, depending on where I am and what kind of creative/productive cycle I am in and whether I am working on a bigger project or not. My workweek can range from 4 hours to 60 hours. On average though I would say that I spend about 15-25 hours a week on my business.

I can give you an example of how my days look like here in Bali right now:

I get up early, meditate and go to yoga, have breakfast or early lunch, and then start work in my co-working [space] around late-morning/mid-day. I usually leave late afternoon for a surf or meet with friends.

I don’t take weekends or days off seriously—I work when I feel like it, which can be any day of the year.

How do you avoid becoming distracted when working remotely?

I really enjoy working in co-working spaces or “working” cafes, as I can get better in the working vibe than at home or in a hotel. I take frequent breaks to move or read a book or talk to a friend on the phone. I also find that meditation and yoga in the morning really helps with my productivity.

What is a remote work pain point, and how do you address it?

Mid-term housing. It’s easy to book hotels and Airbnbs for a few days or a couple weeks and semi-easy to find a long-term lease, but things tend to get either a bit pricey, time-consuming, or complicated when staying for a month or two or three.

There are more and more initiatives and co-living projects for digital nomads being created, such as Outsite or Roam. Also, more information [about] renting is shared online and in Facebook groups.

Do you use coworking spaces? What are the best ones?

Yes, I do a lot actually! My favorite one is here in Canggu/Bali called Dojo and Hubud in Ubud. SkyLoft in Santa Teresa/Costa Rica is also absolutely amazing.

I like The Hive in Bangkok and betahaus in Berlin.

What gear can't you work remotely without?

  • Yoga mat
  • Vlogging camera (Canon G7Xii)

What does your remote company do?

I help people to live and work location-independent while embracing a conscious, healthy, and spiritual lifestyle.
I created Germany’s biggest travel blog Planet Backpack and I am the co-founder of Blog Camp, an online school for professional blogging. I am also a YouTuber, certified yoga teacher, and speak at conferences/give workshops all around the world.

Would you consider returning to a traditional office job, or are you remote for life?

I cannot imagine ever going back to a 9-5 or traditional office environment. Once you have gotten a taste of this amazing freedom, there is no way back. I really enjoy working in different locations and environments and it really contributes to my creativity, productivity, and connections I make.

What's the best way to develop professional contacts while working remotely?

I go to online business and digital nomad conferences very frequently. It’s also a good idea to offer free talks, workshops, or skillshare sessions at a co-working space when arriving in a new place. And using or relevant Facebook groups to find business-related meetups and events is a great way to get involved.

How has your remote job impacted your life outside of work?

It gives me the freedom to chose when and where I work—hence, I can spend much more time doing things outside of my work life. I can chose places that facilitate my lifestyle (surfing, yoga, warm climates) and I can jump on an airplane at any time to attend events, see friends or family, go on retreats, or simply just to have an adventure when I feel like it.

Since I generate most of my income passively, I only need a few hours a week to maintain my business, which frees up a lot of time to actually LIVE my life.

How do you stay physically active while working remotely?

I exercise almost daily: yoga, running, surfing, pushups. It’s essential to my lifestyle.

I always research yoga studios wherever I go and try to spend a lot of time in places with access to good surf waves. For running routes, I use apps to research common routes (it’s also a great way to explore new places).

How does working remotely impact your diet?

I don’t let it impact my diet, as it is my main priority as a healthy vegan. I intentionally tend to travel to places that cater well for a plant-based diet. It’s also one reason (out of many), why I spend so much time in Bali—it is a vegan heaven here.

When I don’t have access to a lot of vegan restaurants, I buy fresh produce at markets and find organic supermarkets. Since I mostly only stay in Airbnb apartments, I usually always have access to a kitchen to cook.

Apps like Happy Cow really help to find vegan/veggie places and organic shops around the world.

How do you cope with feeling lonely while working remotely?

I regularly Skype with my mum and 3-5 of my best friends. Every summer, I spend a month or two in Germany and Europe and I try to make trip to visit friends wherever they may live around the world.

What are your tips for making friends while working as a digital nomad?

  • Co-working spaces
  • Co-living projects
  • Local digital nomad Facebook groups and meetups
  • Couchsurfing
  • Yoga classes
  • Live-in shared apartments
  • Tinder
  • Spend longer time in places (3-6 months or longer) rather than just passing through

What are your favorite cities in which to work remotely?

Bali, Encinitas/CA, Berlin, Ericeira/Portugal, Bangkok and Chiang Mai/Thailand