Prepare for Working Remotely with These Remote Work Webinars
For those about to embark upon their first remote gig—whether it’s through self-employment or as a distributed team member—there are a few notable experiences that require adjustment.
At first, a remote workday may feel a lot like a typical sick day or vacation day. While the 9-to-5 set in your neighborhood are holed up in offices, you might encounter an interesting mix of retired folks and caregivers, such as stay-at-home parents. You may see them wrangling children on walks, spending time outside gardening, or working to maintain their homes.
If you’ve been accustomed to a daily routine that includes traffic and a significant amount of time outside of your home, you may feel rather out of place in this environment. But there are ways to make adjusting to your new flexible working life easier and more comfortable.
Plenty of concrete advice exists on how to acclimate to and thrive within a virtual environment. Carving out a schedule that works for you and finding the right set of tools and apps to empower your best work will be critical for you to hit the ground running. To get you started, we’ve compiled a short list of informative and free remote work webinars available to new remote managers and remote workers.
Prepare for Remote Work with These Remote Work Webinars:
Managing Virtual Teams
Working toward shared objectives and supporting teammates are important topics, whether you’re going to be leading a remote team or contributing as an integral part of one. Learn how to effectively set and share expectations, report on progress, and build trust with those you don’t see face-to-face.
Tips & Tricks for Working Remotely
If you’re pressed for time, view these candid tips shared fireside-chat style (with beer) from the remote team at Cave Social. They share a quick overview of their preferred communication tools, how they leverage time zone differences, and ways they manage projects and workflow.
Remote Working Tips: Interview with Wade Foster, CEO of Zapier
The author of The Ultimate Guide to Remote Work provides insights on his experience as a co-founder of a fully distributed tech startup, and shares advice on useful applications, remote work processes, and smart hiring practices.
And if you’re still on the lookout for your ideal remote role, take a look at “Expert Tips to Find a Flexible Job” from FlexJobs’ CEO Sara Sutton, which is full of helpful advice from one of the virtual companies leading the charge in remote work for over a decade.
Photo Credit: bigstockphoto.com
By Kristi DePaul | Categories: Work Remotely