Why Go Remote

The benefits of having a remote workforce – whether in part or entirely -- go deep. Remote work allows your company to recruit the best candidates for the job regardless of location, to save money on office overhead, to manage with a focus on productivity rather than “face time”, to support a better work-life fit for your team, and the list goes on. Bottom line: when done right, remote work can make your company healthier and more successful.

How to Build a Business Case for TRaD Work

How to Build a Business Case for TRaD Work

To make remote work options a reality at your organization, it’s helpful to have a well-thought-out strategy going in. You’ll need to work for “buy-in” from all participants, from the…

Most Pros See Remote Work as the Future of Work: Survey

Most Pros See Remote Work as the Future of Work: Survey

Once considered a workplace perk, the ability to work remotely has now become the future of work, according to a new survey from PricewaterhouseCoopers. In “Work-life 3.0: Understanding How We’ll…

Remote.co Celebrates 1st Year with Remote Work Advice from 102 Companies

Remote.co Celebrates 1st Year with Remote Work Advice from 102 Companies

One year ago, Remote.co launched as the definitive resource for remote work best practices — as the go-to source for companies interested in or already embracing remote work. Today, we’re…

6 Reasons to Integrate Remote Work into Your Company

6 Reasons to Integrate Remote Work into Your Company

On the face of it, offering your employees options to work remotely might seem like a generally good idea that will help you attract the very best job candidates. And…

What is a Digital Nomad?

What is a Digital Nomad?

Got an urge to travel the globe, but still need to earn an income? Perhaps you’d make a good digital nomad. Here's what you need to know.

5 Mistakes Companies Make When Transitioning to Remote Work

5 Mistakes Companies Make When Transitioning to Remote Work

Soon after she became CEO of Yahoo in mid-2013, Marissa Mayer caused quite a stir in the tech industry when she eliminated remote work from the company. Many in the…

Remote Work Benefits: Monetary AND Environmental

Remote Work Benefits: Monetary AND Environmental

What can you do with an extra $2,600? Book that long-awaited vacation? Surprise a special someone with an unexpected gift? Or perhaps add to your savings or make a dent…

Agenda and Details for the TRaD Works Forum on Remote Work

Agenda and Details for the TRaD Works Forum on Remote Work

In March, FlexJobs and Remote.co announced the first ever TRaD* Works Forum (*Telecommuting, Remote, and Distributed) June 8 -10, 2016, at the Fairmont Washington, DC, Georgetown Hotel. Since then, we’ve been busy…

TRaD Work: Simplifying Definitions for Telecommuting, Remote and Distributed Teams

TRaD Work: Simplifying Definitions for Telecommuting, Remote and Distributed Teams

At Remote.co, we’re all about remote work (however you refer to it), and we want to simplify the language used to describe this way of working. My team and I…

11 Creative Out-of-Office Responses from Remote Teams

11 Creative Out-of-Office Responses from Remote Teams

Whether you’re out of the office for a long weekend, the rest of the day, or (woohoo!) a much-needed vacation, you’ll probably use out-of-office responses. But who says they should…

13 Inspirational Business Quotes from Remote Company Leaders

13 Inspirational Business Quotes from Remote Company Leaders

In business as well as in life, there are times when you need a little pick-me-up. Whether you’re already working remotely, you want to, or you’re just in need of…

Register for the TRaD Works Forum, hosted by Remote.co and FlexJobs!

Register for the TRaD Works Forum, hosted by Remote.co and FlexJobs!

This June, Remote.co and FlexJobs will host a forum dedicated to telecommuting, remote, and distributed work — the TRaD Works Forum! Future of work thought leaders, Fortune 500 companies, and virtual…

How Women Can Benefit from the Remote Revolution

How Women Can Benefit from the Remote Revolution

In 2013, Sheryl Sandberg published a book that would become the professional battle cry of a generation. Lean In was released to much acclaim (and naturally, some criticism) among professional…

5 Lessons Our Company Has Learned Since Going Remote

5 Lessons Our Company Has Learned Since Going Remote

It’s been a year since my employer, Recruiterbox—an HR technology software startup that helps growing companies hire—joined the ranks of remote organizations, and man, have we learned a lot in…

Why Work Flexibility is Good For Families AND Businesses

Why Work Flexibility is Good For Families AND Businesses

A friend recently shared a story about the time her son was undergoing emergency surgery when her employer demanded that she return to the office. “It was the worst day…

The Leadership-Gender Gap: Remote Companies May Be Closing It

The Leadership-Gender Gap: Remote Companies May Be Closing It

It seems everyone interested in gender equity is looking for new ideas to provide a glimmer of hope for practical and economical ways to make faster progress—myself included. So I…

What Small Businesses Need to Know About Remote Work

What Small Businesses Need to Know About Remote Work

[fusion_code]PHN0eWxlPg0KI21pY3Jvc29mdF9pbmZvew0KcGFkZGluZzoxMHB4Ow0KYm9yZGVyOjFweCBzb2xpZCAjY2NjOw0KYmFja2dyb3VuZC1jb2xvcjpyZ2IoMjQ2LDI0NiwyNDYpOw0KfQ0KPC9zdHlsZT4=[/fusion_code][fusion_text]For small businesses, the idea of remote work might seem like something only the big companies offer to their workforce. After all, when you have a company comprised of only…

Queen of Remote Work: Q&A with Sara Sutton

Queen of Remote Work: Q&A with Sara Sutton

In a recent interview, Sara Sutton was proclaimed the “Queen of Remote Work.” And though she would be the last to sing her own praises, she truly is a leader…

The Financial Benefits of Going Remote with Your Business

The Financial Benefits of Going Remote with Your Business

The costs of doing business are astronomical. By doing business the way it’s always been done—with an office space, by investing in everything necessary to fill that fancy office, and…

Considering Going Remote? 7 Tips from Remote Companies

Considering Going Remote? 7 Tips from Remote Companies

For traditional companies, the thought of transitioning to a remote company might seem rather daunting. Actually, the process is a lot simpler than it sounds. Just ask the seven remote…

Dell Team Members Share Their Remote Work Journeys

Dell Team Members Share Their Remote Work Journeys

[fusion_text] Starting to Embrace Remote Work Jennifer Jones Newbill, Austin, Texas, United States Dell Director, Employment Brand I joined Dell as a recruiting team leader in the fall of 2003.…

Coboat: The Latest in Extreme Remote Work

Coboat: The Latest in Extreme Remote Work

Most people seek out remote work so that they can work from home—or when they’re feeling adventurous, their local coffee shop. Some remote workers have warmed up to the idea…

6 Strong Reasons to Go Remote as a Company

6 Strong Reasons to Go Remote as a Company

Maybe it’s because your company is eco-friendly. Or perhaps you want to think beyond borders when it comes to hiring top-tier talent. There are many reasons why a company might…

Why the Future of Work Is Remote

Why the Future of Work Is Remote

If you’re considering taking your company into the telecommuting realm, you’re in good company. According to the article “Will Half of People Be Working Remotely By 2020?”, telecommuting will truly…

The Data Behind Dell's 2020 Telecommuting Workforce Goal

The Data Behind Dell's 2020 Telecommuting Workforce Goal

Employers who are considering shifting to a telecommuting workforce would do well to look at the groundbreaking effort that Dell, the global computer giant, has undertaken to have 50 percent…

New Remote Work Stats Show Rise in Telecommuting

New Remote Work Stats Show Rise in Telecommuting

Once thought of as a workplace trend, telecommuting has become a preferred way of doing business. Beneficial for both employers and employees, telecommuting continues to grow in popularity, with more…

2 Companies that Went from an Office to Working Remotely

2 Companies that Went from an Office to Working Remotely

What makes a company decide to go virtual? Many factors come into play when a business is considering adopting work flexibility for its staff. Toggl and PeopleG2 are two companies that…

How Working Remotely Reduces Carbon Footprints at Major Corporations

How Working Remotely Reduces Carbon Footprints at Major Corporations

Job seekers looking to telecommute have long recognized the many great benefits of working remotely. Not only do at-home workers eliminate the costs associated with commuting, both time-wise and money-wise,…

Why Switch from Brick and Mortar to a Remote Office

Why Switch from Brick and Mortar to a Remote Office

Resistance is futile! That’s a super-optimistic way of characterizing the global movement underway by employers who are switching from a traditional office setting to a remote office. The move from…

How to Decide If Remote Work Is Right for Your Company

How to Decide If Remote Work Is Right for Your Company

If you’re deciding if remote work is right for your company, you are not alone. Remote workforces are increasing every year–in fact, 48 percent of polled HR professionals said a…