9 Ways for Remote Workers to Be Productive Without Wi-Fi
If you’re a remote employee, you likely use a handful of tools, apps, and platforms on a daily basis to communicate with your coworkers, stay organized, and get work done. And, chances are, most of those require a decent Internet connection to be properly utilized. But, there may be instances where you don’t have access to Wi-Fi (think power outages; airplanes; underground public transportation) and you still want or need to get work done. If you find yourself in that situation, don’t fret! There are some ways to be productive and successfully work remotely offline.
Here are a few tips for remote workers to be productive without a Wi-Fi connection:
As a remote worker, it may feel at times like you can’t function without an Internet connection, but, if you really think about all the items on your to-do list, there’s a good chance at least a few of them don’t require Wi-Fi. For example, if any of your to-dos start with “Think about…” then perhaps you should use this time to brainstorm (yes, on paper…gasp!). You’ll likely be even more focused and productive than usual without the distractions of IMs or emails flooding in, which will allow you to think more clearly.
Connect with colleagues and/or clients.
Sometimes you’ll know ahead of time that you won’t have a Wi-Fi connection, which makes it much easier to plan ahead! If and when that’s the case, and you’re able to use the phone during that time, schedule some calls with colleagues or clients you’ve been meaning to catch up with.
Download “offline” apps.
Whether or not you know you’ll be without an Internet connection, there are some easy ways to prepare for this (almost inevitable) situation ahead of time. One way to do that: download some offline apps now!
- The Dropbox desktop app, for example, allows you to automatically sync and store files, and you can choose to make them available when you’re without Wi-Fi.
- Another one to consider is the Pocket app. Through this platform, you can save (work-related) articles to an offline folder to access later when you don’t have an Internet connection.
- There’s also the Wikipedia Encyclopedia Offline app, which may come in handy if you’re needing to do some research for work while Wi-Fi-less.
Work on projects in offline programs.
Have an article you’ve been meaning to draft, a spreadsheet you need to organize, or a slideshow presentation you need to complete? Programs like Microsoft Word, Excel, or PowerPoint don’t require any Wi-Fi!
Get organized.
You don’t need Wi-Fi to get organized! Take some time to clean up your computer desktop; refresh your to-do list; update your calendar; and organize your workspace. Doing any or all of these things will allow you to be a more efficient and more productive worker!
Draft emails.
Now is the perfect time to draft emails. You won’t be able to send them until you have an Internet connection, of course, but that might be a good thing! This gives you time to ruminate on, edit, and perfect your messages before hitting “send.”
Use the time to sharpen your skills or gain some knowledge.
If you know you’ll be without an Internet connection for a few hours (let’s say you’ll be on a long flight without Wi-Fi), you may want to take the opportunity to brush up on some skills or knowledge related to your job. Buy a book or industry-relevant magazine at the airport, or download an app beforehand like KA Lite (an offline version of Khan Academy, which is an education platform that offers courses, videos, and exercises in various subjects, including coding and finance).
Recharge your batteries.
Taking some time to recharge and reset is imperative for being a good, productive worker…whether you’re remote or not. You need to take an occasional break to refuel or else you’ll quickly burn out. So, if you’re in a situation where you’re without an Internet connection, this might be the ideal opportunity to hit pause and charge up your proverbial battery. Chances are, you’ll be far more energized and productive after doing so.
Meditation isn’t for everyone—but before you swear it off, know it’s an activity that, aside from requiring no Internet connection, has been scientifically proven to help boost productivity, improve memory, and increase your ability to focus, according to a Psychology Today article. So if you’re looking for a way to get more done at work, consider gaining better control over your mind and start meditating today!
There you have it—there are lots of ways to be productive as a remote worker without access to the Internet! In fact, as difficult as it may seem, it may be smart to occasionally disconnect intentionally to free ourselves of some common distractions we all face daily. If you can try it, let us know how it goes!
Do you have any other great tips for getting work done without an Internet connection? Share your ideas in the comment section below!
This is a sponsored post for Dropbox. All opinions are Remote.co’s.
By Jacquelyn Smith | Categories: Work Remotely