4 Perks for Remote Workers that Aren’t Technology Stipends

4 Perks for Remote Workers that Aren’t Technology Stipends

Surfing lessons. On-site concierge services for employees. House cleaning services. There are lots of fun perks that employees are getting in both traditional and remote companies. If you’re looking to reward your workers for a job well done, take a cue from the following remote companies. Below are a range of perk ideas for remote workers and employees.

Here are four perks for remote workers:

1. Sweet Treats

Yes, getting to work remotely can be considered a treat in and of itself (especially when the weather is cold and frightful outside), but FlexJobs makes it even sweeter. “We’ve done Happy Hour Trivia, Virtual Yoga, Coffee Breaks, and Lunch Hangouts,” says Carol Cochran, director of people and culture. “We’ve sent candy at Halloween, coupons for free ice cream in the summer, and gifts to commemorate milestones in the company.”

2. Party Time

When employees are spread all across the city, state, country, and even the globe, having a holiday shindig isn’t always possible—or practical. That doesn’t stop ICUC, though. “With employees in over 30 countries, it’s not possible to have a holiday party or a summer picnic with the whole team in attendance,” says Nicole van Zanten, director, marketing and communications. “So, our Director of Culture hosts numerous cluster parties in cities where we have clusters or groups of employees based. The parties include a team-building activity, dinner, and lots of laughs.”

3. Fun Retreats

Many remote companies make it a point to have retreats on an annual basis. Team Gantt is no exception. “We have two team members that live out of state.  So we flew them into Baltimore for a few days and we took a little bit of time to work, but mostly just spent time together doing fun activities like eating, playing miniature golf, and fishing on the Chesapeake Bay,” says Nathan Gilmore, co-founder. “It was really just a time for the team to spend time together face to face and really get to know each other.”

4. Added Savings

Sure, fun vacays and sweet treats are great, but there’s (almost) nothing as scintillating as saving money! “We also hold events like our ‘REDuce Your Bills Day.’ Our CEO put together a tip sheet with practical ways to lower our bills, and then gave our team the entire day off to call our cable providers, cell phone companies, insurance agents, and others to get better deals. (Our team’s annual savings totaled $25,000),” says Fire Engine RED’s Communications Director Chuck Vadun.

With a little creativity, managers can come up with perk for remote workers that will keep their staffers happy, engaged, and loyal to the remote companies they work for.

By Jennifer Parris | Categories: Remote Management

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