Remote Worker Insights

140 companies answer 6 questions

Learn a bit more about some of the great people who answered the Q&As as they share some of their remote worker insights and anecdotes on work-life balance, remote work environments, and more.

What is your personal remote work environment?

Goodway Group

Laptop on a docking station feeding into dual monitors. Printers. Dedicated room in the house. Pretty standard.


You really don’t want a photo of my desk right now. It’s covered in paperwork on the one side and a mass of USB cabling,…


I work from a laptop in every room of the house.

See all 46 answers

What are the biggest benefits of being a remote worker?


I work a lot, but I don’t have set hours, so it’s less stressful when planning meet-ups with friends and family. This is the biggest…

GOhiring GmbH

Doug, Software Engineer, located in Paris: “Living anywhere. Fitting work around life and not the opposite. Singing while I work, loudly and badly.” Julia, Digital…


I used to live in San Francisco and loved my job at Dropbox. However, when my husband was offered an opportunity to move to Barcelona…

See all 32 answers

How do you personally manage work-life balance?


I absolutely do not check email (personal or work) or Slack messages on the weekend.  I’ve found this to be immensely powerful for balance.


I take opportunities as they come and try to balance priority initiatives with “low-hanging fruit.” Because I’m a remote worker and I work flexibly, I…


After working remotely for 6+ years, I decided to start working at a cowork space for a few days a week. I have found that…

See all 105 answers

What tips do you have to disconnect when working remotely?

Must Have Menus

It’s very difficult to do, but extremely important. I try to have time with my family and friends as a regular part of my day…

Time Doctor

Don’t work in your house all day long. Work in a coffee shop or in a co-working space if you can. If you can’t, then…

Project Ricochet

I make time to exercise daily. I do ten miles on my bike each day at sunset on a bike trail near my house. I…

See all 27 answers

What is your favorite business book?

Answer Connect

‘What Got You Here Won’t Get You There” Mark Reiter, “The Design of Everyday Things” Donald A Norman, “Lean In” Sheryl Sandberg, “Spark” John J…


Pagely is essentially built on the principals of three books. Turn the Ship Around, Extreme Ownership, and Team of Teams. All of them reinforce the…


The Power of Nice by Ron Shapiro

See all 49 answers

Do you have a favorite quote or bit of business wisdom?

OnTheGo Systems

“If you love what you are doing, you will be successful.”


I like to tell our new employees that every call is an opportunity to change someone’s day/week/life in a small way just by being a…


Our motto is “life’s too short for bad software!” When it comes to challenging times, I often say “if it was easy, someone else would…

See all 57 answers

Where is the best or worst place you’ve worked remotely?


Back in those days when I used to work almost 24/7? Trains, buses, planes, hotel rooms, and hostel rooms. There’s nothing quite like taking an…


The worst (and I hate to say this because the place itself is magical) would have to be Bali. The WIFI was just not up…


Any place with slow wifi feels like hell. Being on a beach in Thailand was great, except for the lifetime of my laptop 🙂

See all 64 answers