New Year, New Job: Tips on Landing Your New Remote Role
It’s time to take the plunge—and no, I don’t mean anything polar bear related. (Diving into sub-zero waters is something you’re welcome to try, but frankly, that’s a hobby I don’t plan to embrace anytime soon!) Rather, it’s time for you to take the plunge and assume a new remote role.
Maybe you’ve realized that you possess the necessary traits that’ll lead you to greater success in remote work. Maybe you’ve already been reading up on how to best prepare yourself to work from anywhere, and have perused proven tips and hard-won hacks from those who have already made the transition.
If remote work is a completely new prospect for you, keep in mind that both the job search and hiring process may very well look different from what you’re used to.
Still interested in shaking things up with a new virtual gig, but aren’t quite sure where to start? Here are tips on how you can conduct successful job searches, adeptly navigate the interview process, and leave a lasting impression that’ll make you a highly desirable candidate.
Landing a New Remote Role: Tips for Every Step in the Process
1. Finding a Remote Role
Do: Seek out reputable remote job websites and research companies known for their commitment to remote workers. Get to know some of their more vocal employees on social channels like Twitter, or sign up for blog updates to stay abreast of company developments.
Don’t: Rely on generic aggregate job searching websites to nail down the right position for you. Instead of locking in a shortlist of great opportunities, you’re more likely to waste time and needlessly subject yourself to spammers and scammers.
2. Positioning Yourself
Do: Emphasize your skills and experience that easily translate to success in location-independent jobs. Pay attention to the language and style an organization employs and mirror it. Above all, clarity and brevity will be key assets in your communications.
Don’t: Talk only about the personal advantages you see in working remotely versus what you’ll be able to contribute. A candidate who only views their needs in lieu of a company’s broader mission is someone who’ll send up red flags early on in the hiring process.
3. Scheduling Your Interview
Do: Offer interviewers a number of available windows for phone conversations or video conferences, always including your time zone for handy reference. Simply showing that you’re flexible and accommodating is often an initial litmus test for remote workers.
Don’t: Mix up time zones or make a cultural faux pas by suggesting hours or dates that overlap with others’ national or religious holidays. Be cognizant of where your interviewer is located and conscientious of his or her other professional obligations and personal observances.
4. Making Great Impressions
Do: Look over your shoulder to see that your web camera’s background is as professional in its appearance as you are. A fantastic interview can be overshadowed by a messy room or distracting objects or pets (curious felines are notorious for interview video bombs).
Don’t: Wait to download the right software only minutes before your interview begins or fail to have the right equipment (headsets, etc.) on hand. You don’t want to kick things off by apologizing for a delay or faulty audio.
5. Following Up Courteously
Do: Send a brief, upbeat email to those with whom you interacted during the process; mention your excitement at the prospect of joining their team, and highlight a specific item or two that you learned from them.
Don’t: Nag interviewers or recruiters who seem to be unresponsive to your initial follow-up. Remember, if they really want to hire you, they’ll be in touch to move things forward. If they never respond, trust me, you didn’t want to work for them anyhow.
Start your search for a new remote job.
Readers, what sort of new remote role are you hoping to find this year?
By Kristi DePaul | Categories: Work Remotely