A Sample Remote Work Policy for Employers
A remote work policy is an important piece of having a successful work flexibility program. According to Upwork, though, nearly two-thirds of employers are utilizing remote workers, but more than half (57%) don’t have a formal policy in place. A remote work policy can create cohesion and eliminate confusion or frustration for employees.
If your company falls into the 57% without a policy, we’ve compiled a sample remote work policy to help you start the process. Keep in mind that this is not a one-size-fits-all policy. Your company’s specific needs and setup will guide how you respond to each section below. Take a look to see suggested sections—we’ve provided guidance for what to include in your remote work policy, along with sample text for each section to get you started.
A Sample Remote Work Policy for Employers
Company’s Remote Work History
Start off your remote work policy with a history or summary of your company’s remote work offerings. Consider mentioning how it started, how many people utilize it, or why it’s important to your company to offer this flexibility.
Company X began offering remote work in 2012. This policy serves as a guide to help all remote employees understand the regulations and expectations of working remotely at Company X. Since implementing our remote work policy five years ago, feedback from employees has been integral in creating this document. Review the information below to be fully prepared for your remote work journey at Company X, and be sure to send any questions or comments to HR@companyx.com.
Who’s Eligible and Remote Work Frequency
Use this section to clarify who is eligible to work remotely. List out requirements, if any, such as hours worked, years of experience at the company, or specific roles/departments eligible. Whether remote work is offered 100% of the time, or only a few hours per week, detail the specifics here.
At Company X, all departments have the option of working completely from home (with monthly and yearly meetings required on-site), or with a combination of remote work/on-site work after 60 days of employment. Each department manager has the autonomy to discuss with each team member their specific flexibility needs to determine what will work best. Regardless of the amount of remote work chosen, all full-time employees are required to work 40 hours per week.
How to Request
How do employees request the ability to work from home? List out any and all steps that need to be taken.
Any employee who has worked at Company X for 60 days or more can set up a meeting with their direct supervisor to discuss remote work options. In conjunction with your manager, you’ll determine a remote work schedule that works best for you and your team’s needs. This will be a time to ask questions and talk about your home office setup.
Protocols and Communication Standards
This is where you’ll want to convey any rules and expectations around remote working.
Remote work facilitates a large amount of trust in Company X employees. As such, we’ve found it useful to communicate expectations to ensure everyone is on the same page.
Daycare: If you have children at home who depend on you for care, you must have adequate child care for them. Our policies are not intended to allow for you to be watching your child(ren) while simultaneously working.
Schedule: A general schedule must be communicated to and agreed to by your direct manager. Deviations from that schedule should be communicated to your direct manager as well.
Availability: Remote workers must be logged into the company communication platform each day to ensure you’re easily accessible and can participate easily with your team members.
Coworking spaces: Employees are welcome to work from a coworking space or coffee shop, provided you can produce the same level of productivity as in your home office.
Provided Tools
Determine if your company will provide any tools to remote workers, such as a computer, office furniture, or online software.
All remote workers must utilize company laptops to perform all work. You will be provided a laptop, which will also contain necessary software and programs used here at Company X. We prefer employees to be connected to the Internet via a wired connection. While we don’t use VPNs, we do provide a monthly stipend to help cover your Internet costs at home.
Creating a formal remote work policy should be a priority for any company wanting to establish a healthy remote work culture. Use this sample as a guide to create a solid document that works for your employees and company.
Photo Credit: bigstockphoto.com
By Rachel Jay | Categories: Build a Remote Team