Remote Hiring and the Settling-in Period for New Hires

Remote Hiring and the Settling-in Period for New Hires

Positive experiences during the first few weeks at a new job set the tone for long-term success and productivity. In fact, a study by the consulting firm BCG shows that companies with outstanding onboarding can expect to nearly double their corporate revenue growth and profit margins compared to counterparts with only average onboarding. This also applies to remote hiring practices.

Taking action to get new remote hires up to speed is every bit as important as helping on-site workers become comfortable. Demonstrate your interest in their well-being with these settling-in strategies.

Here are four strategies for remote hiring:

1. Provide the proper tools.

Nothing can damper that ready-to-conquer-the-world spirit of a new employee faster than not having the appropriate equipment up and running on start day.

Send computers, software, and any other work-related items well in advance to allow set-up time. (Some company swag to brighten their home office is a nice gesture, too.) Secure and test out password logins.

Follow up with the employee to ensure everything has been delivered and works. Provide names and contact information of tech support personnel who can troubleshoot if problems arise.

2. Assign a helper.

No law states that a mentor must be physically present. However, pairing up a newbie with an experienced worker who enjoys reaching out to others strengthens connections to the company and provides someone to turn to other than the boss.

3. Check in routinely.

Without witnessing visual cues, it may be difficult to discern how new employees feel. And not wanting to come off as needy or bothersome, they may hesitate to call you with concerns. Thus, a manager should take the lead to regularly seek input, ask questions, and identify potential pitfalls.

For example, Libby Farmen, chief consulting officer at Talent Plus, Inc., reaches out to new remote employees following the first few team conference calls to understand their experience.

“Did they feel that they were able to chime in and contribute? It can be difficult on a conference call to know when to chime in, and if you don’t know the individuals well, that can be even harder. This dynamic can be massaged from the leader both with the new employee and with the team. Work quickly in the beginning to be their advocate and to remove any obstacles,” says Farmen.

4. Provide various communication channels.

Lastly, demonstrate that out of sight definitely doesn’t mean out of mind by giving your remote employees plenty of ways to contribute their fresh perspective and stay engaged.

“You have to identify what outlets are available for remote employees to share their concerns, discuss an idea, etc., because they don’t have the option of walking over to their manager’s office or HR,” says Marilyn McCawley, HR director, Talent Acquisition and Retention, for World Travel Holdings.

“In addition to calls with their managers, they should know about an open door policy and feel comfortable setting up a meeting with whomever they need to talk to. Also, set up a ‘suggestions box’ so they can email concerns,” says McCawley.

By Beth Braccio Hering | Categories: Build a Remote Team

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