5 Places to Communicate Your Remote Work Policy
A lot of companies tend to keep their remote work policies quiet. This isn’t always a good business strategy, since studies show that many of today’s job seekers are looking for workplace flexibility in the form of telecommuting and remote jobs.
If you’ve been previously keeping your remote work policy under wraps, here are five fresh places to communicate it to the world:
Show it off socially.
Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, Pinterest, Google+, Instagram, YouTube, SnapChat—the list goes on and on for social media sites on which your company might have its own channels. And your business should broadcast its remote work policy on every single one of them. Depending on which social media channel it is, you can customize what you want to share. For example, you can have a YouTube video which showcases some of your employees working remotely. Or on Twitter, tweet out a new job listing that also can be done from home.
Make it known in the company’s newsletter.
Sadly, there are some companies that keep their remote work policies a secret, even to their own employees. But in order to harness the tremendous potential that having a remote workforce can provide, you should be crystal clear about flex to everyone in your organization. That shows that your remote work policy isn’t just for a select few, or a work perk, but rather just a part of what your company stands for. So cite examples of how flex has made your company stronger. You can highlight how some of your workers have benefited from working remotely, whether it’s caring for an aging relative, contributing to their community, or simply pursuing a passion that a traditional 9-to-5 schedule wouldn’t permit.
Jot it down in the job descriptions.
It doesn’t make sense to be cryptic about your company’s remote work policy. One of the best ways to communicate it is right in the job descriptions for positions you’re looking to fill. If the job can be done remotely, say so. If it’s a full-time position that can be done by two part-time workers (i.e., a job share), mention it. Or if it’s an in-office job that has a flexible schedule (your worker can come in earlier or later as need be), include it. Job seekers are looking for clarity (and the ability for work-life balance) in job descriptions, so if your company offers it, be sure to boast about it!
Add it to the About Us page.
Many job candidates will do some research on companies that they’re interested in before they submit their application. For people perusing your company’s website, be sure to include your remote or flexible work policy on the About Us page. You can explain how it came to be—for example, you might cite how your company’s culture is focused on making sure that employees live their best lives, which can be achieved through workplace flexibility. That way, there’s no grey area as to how your company feels about flex.
Talk about it during job interviews.
During job interviews, don’t wait for an eager candidate to cautiously bring up the possibility of working remotely. Make it a part of the conversation right from the start, so that they know right away that the job can be done from home. Just as you would talk about the duties of the role, who the person would report to, and how the job plays into the bigger picture of the company’s mission, a conversation about the job’s flexibility shows that your company is flex-friendly and wants to bring out the best in all of its employees.
Photo Credit: bigstockphoto.com
By Jennifer Parris | Categories: Build a Remote Team