What You Need to Work Outside When You’re Remote
The birds are chirping and the weather is perfect. Maybe your backyard is calling your name, or your favorite coffee shop has a great patio. And you’re itching to work outside.
Working in the great outdoors can be refreshing and a nice change from your home office. However, working outside can also present some challenges. Below, we’re going over a few things you need to work outside when you’re remote. This list will help you stay productive and ease some of the pain points of working outdoors.
Here’s what you need to work outside when you’re remote:
Anti-Glare Screen
Probably the first problem you might have when working outside is a nasty glare on your computer screen. It can make it difficult to see what you’re doing and cause you to squint. While finding a shady spot can help, sometimes it’s not enough.
Luckily, a quick Amazon search will find anti-glare screens that you can stick right on your screen. If you want to take it a step further, you can even find hoods that go over and around your computer to shade it from the sun. If all else fails, turn the screen brightness up as far as it will go.
Shade is not only useful for your screen, but will also keep you cool. If it’s a sunny day, or particularly warm, finding shade from a tree or an umbrella will be essential to helping you work outside comfortably.
If shade isn’t plentiful where you’ll be working, consider wearing lighter clothing, bringing a portable mini fan, or using a cooling towel.
Wi-Fi Extender or Hotspot
A poor Internet connection will end your outdoor work session quickly. If you’re at home, a Wi-Fi extender may help you out if your router and modem are further away in the house. The extender will create a stronger signal and can even increase your speeds.
If you’re working outdoors at a coffee shop or park, it’s smart to have a hotspot available. You never know when the Internet might go down at your location, or you could even be surprised and find there’s no Wi-Fi to use at all. A hotspot will ensure you’re able to be connected no matter what.
If you have a smartphone or a tablet, either of these can be tethered to your computer to provide an Internet connection. But be aware, as these options will typically cut into your phone’s data plan—and use up its battery. You can also find mobile hotspots that are separate devices and often prepaid.
External Devices
If you want to be at your most productive while working outside, make your setup as close to your home office setup as you reasonably can. Hunching over your laptop keyboard may not work well if you’re used to something different. Purchase a wireless keyboard and mouse, and consider a laptop stand to raise it up to eye level. Having a pair of headphones or earbuds handy will also help if you have to take a phone call or want to listen to music.
Extra Power Supply
A dead computer battery is a big hassle. Even if you head outside with a full battery, take along a power cord. A portable charger could be an even better option, in case there are no outlets nearby. Portable chargers have to be charged beforehand and can then be used to charge your computer when needed. You may think your computer battery will last all day, but depending on its condition, you may only get an hour or two. Don’t leave yourself hanging.
Working from a remote office usually means you have a little leeway with where you work. Use these tips to take your work outside and stay productive and motivated no matter what comes your way.
By Rachel Jay | Categories: Work Remotely