How to Run Remote Team Meetings
Any remote company will tell you that communication is one of the biggest challenges they face. However, despite the challenges, being able to successfully run remote team meetings is increasingly getting easier as technology evolves to dissolve barriers.
With the use of meeting software and online video conferencing, running remote team meetings can be done successfully while connecting people from all time zones and locations. But, nobody wants to spend hours on the phone or video chatting while listening to endless updates. Remote teams want to get the most out of their time while staying connected and up to date on company operations.
So, how do remote teams make the most of their time? Simply put, by adopting a predictable meeting schedule. Although status updates and meetings can be treacherous, they are important. Luckily, there are different meeting formats that can be employed as discussed in the article 4 Ways to Run Status Meetings with Your Remote Team that Actually Work.
Here are four of the most common ways to run remote team meetings successfully.
1. The Stand-Up
For teams that like to chat and stay in contact daily, this meeting format would be ideal. The stand-up meeting is a daily check-in that provides each team member with just a few minutes to address what they did since last meeting, what their plans are for the day, and anything that may be hindering their progress.
These meetings are short, but will vary depending on team size. However, these types of meetings are usually reserved for smaller teams that can accomplish the meeting goals within 15 minutes or less.
2. The Check-In
Similar to the Stand-Up, the Check-In focuses not only on status updates, but addressing any questions. This can take many forms, but many remote teams find success with having written updates ready ahead of time and reading through them together as a team. This provides everyone with an idea of what will be addressed during the meeting. Then, once the updates are completed, there is a time set aside to ask and answer questions.
This form of meeting is longer than the Stand-Up, but again will vary by team size. Ideally, this meeting will last less than 60 minutes. Due to the length of these meetings, they are not conducted every day. Usually, they are scheduled every week or every other week.
3. The Three P’s
Known as the Progress, Plans, and Problems format, the Three P’s is based on a written format meeting and provides a high-level view of what is happening within the team or the organization. This meeting, while serving as a status update meeting, provides more time for a conversation to address any issues or plans.
The Three P’s meeting is held less frequently and are usually scheduled anywhere from weekly to monthly, and can last from 30 minutes up to 90 minutes. These teams also take the focus from individual accomplishments to a more team based and strategic focus.
4. The Multi-Team
Just as it is important for single teams to meet and catch up, it is also important for multiple teams to get together and touch base. This helps to provide teams with different views of the organization, as well as how the different teams work and interact together.
The Multi-Team meeting helps to provide a high-level view while focusing on progress, unexpected events, future plans, and problems. It is also a time where victories are celebrated by the teams. Another aspect of the Multi-Team meeting is that there is a personal, more human factor added into the mix.
Although meetings are a necessary part of a business, it is important to address why your team needs to meet and the format that works best for the team. Addressing this first helps to set up remote team meetings in a way that will help individuals feel connected while maintaining team success.
By Jessica Howington | Categories: Remote Management