How to Be More Visible When You Work Remotely
We’ve all heard the phrase “out of sight, out of mind.” Unfortunately, for many remote workers that phrase plays right into their fears as employees who work diligently and thoughtfully…just from the comfort of their own homes.
While it’s true that remote workers won’t be as physically present every single day as their co-working counterparts who are in the office will be, there are still some things that remote workers can do to keep their voices heard and respected.
Below are some ideas for how to be more visible while working remotely:
Speak up.
If participating in stressful or intimidating meetings isn’t really your thing, as a remote worker, however, it’s probably time to make it your thing. Whether group meetings at your company take place on the phone or in video format, make it your objective to have your voice heard at least once during every call. You undoubtedly have good opinions, so share them!
Schedule regular meetings.
Whenever possible, try to schedule quick catch-ups with your bosses on a regular basis. Even if they don’t always have the time to hop on a call or video conference, do your best to send out an end-of-week rundown of everything you accomplished throughout the week to remind your boss just how invaluable you are.
Work on your presence.
If your only opportunity to be physically present is through quick phone calls or two-minute video conference sound bites, do your best to make those moments count. Keep notes on what you plan to say and be confident when it’s your turn to speak. If it’s possible to show up in person to at least one meeting a week, try to do that so people know you take those meetings seriously.
Always follow up.
If you had to miss a meeting for whatever reason, be sure to follow up with coworkers to get the details. For those meetings you do make, take diligent notes and follow up with your boss afterwards to ensure you are all on the same page in terms of moving forward and what steps need to be taken and when.
Develop important relationships.
Staying in touch with your boss on a regular basis isn’t the only relationship you need to foster as a remote employee—coworkers and other people on your team need to understand your role in the company, as well. As such, try to schedule weekly calls with the important people on your team, too, which will help ensure nothing falls through the cracks or is misunderstood.
Go above and beyond.
The truth is it might take a little extra on your part to stay visible at your company when you work remotely, and one good way to do that is by becoming the “yes” person. Within reason, this means always going above and beyond what’s necessary at work and being the person to take on problems that no one else wants. By becoming a resource your boss can depend on, you all but ensure that she’ll never forget you, even when you aren’t physically in front of her every single day.
Be good at your job.
It goes without saying that if you’re the person constantly bringing in new business, closing the deal, or saving the company money, you’ll likely be a corporate favorite, anyway. Sharpen your remote work skills as well to not only be good at your job, but also be a better remote worker.
Photo Credit: bigstockphoto.com
By Cheryl Lock | Categories: Work Remotely